I bought a pack of 25 balloons at the Dollar Store and discovered that if you fill them up with water, they become these awesome bouncy balloon things. (Epic on the tramp). Tarlan, Asher, and I dubbed them Blubber Nuggets, because they truly look like a big blob of fat.
...Well they're a lot cooler than I just made them sound...
I went to the doctor today for the 12-year check-up thing. The one lady gave me these three shots all in the same spot in my innocent arm, and it was stinging all day long. She said I should do active stuff with my arm, so that the medicine would work or whatever. When I came home, I played basketball with my mom and Asher. I was doing good until I got in this "funk" and started being a big failure.
I was missing every shot and my mom said this...joke... "Since you got 3 shots in your arm you should have better shots in your arm!" Then I tried to get out of the funk. I tried to make 3 baskets in a row, but I kept missing. Whenever I got to two, I would throw the ball, then it would spin around the rim and fall off. :(
Finally, my mom left to check on Tarlan and I immediately made three shots in a row.
So then I came inside and started working on my blog.
Work on my slideshow has been halted temporarily.
I still hate pizza.
I'm still writing.
And I still hate pizza.
All I can say is I think your Mom is "funky!" (I think that means "cool".) And her joke about the shots was pretty good, you have to admit!